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Parents’ Experiences with Services and Treatment for Their Children Diagnosed with Cerebral Palsy
While there is a considerable body of knowledge investigating the efficacy of constraint-induced movement therapy (CIMT), there is a need for information focus- ing on parents’ experiences when their children receive these services. This qualitative research study initially explored the experiences of four parents with children who are diagnosed with cerebral palsy (CP) and who participated in CIMT using a group for- mat. Additionally, the richness of the information shared by parents provided insights on other important issues related to family supports when raising a child and the avail- ability of resources for children diagnosed with CP. Response analysis from in-depth interviews with parents resulted in three themes: (a) Everything in my family changed when my child was diagnosed with CP and the support I feel from my family makes all the difference in how I cope. (b) It was so hard to get the information and support that I needed for my child. (c) The group format enhanced CIMT for my child and provided social benefits as well. Findings from this study suggest there are benefits of using CIMT in group formats.
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